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Vocational rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation is intended to provide an individual with support to enable them to continue working. Elo’s vocational rehabilitation may be an option for you if it is no longer possible for you to carry out your current work tasks due to an illness or injury and you are facing a threat of disability. Vocational rehabilitation also enables you to return to working life after a temporary disability pension or a rehabilitation subsidy period.

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Initiate the rehabilitation process:

1. Learn about rehabilitation

At the same time, it’s also a good idea to consider the methods that might enable you to continue in working life.

3. Draft a rehabilitation plan

Elo will provide you with a decision concerning your rehabilitation plan.

2. Apply for rehabilitation

Elo will provide you with a preliminary decision concerning your right to rehabilitation.

4. Begin rehabilitation

Elo will provide a decision regarding the payment of the rehabilitation benefit.

Manage your rehabilitation matters online

Elo’s Online Service enables you to manage your rehabilitation matters from start to finish - easily and quickly.
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