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Elo is a mutual insurance company whose shareholders are, in accordance with the Articles of Association, its customers (policyholders) and the employees insured by the company.

Elo's Articles of Association >

The company’s administrative bodies include the Annual General Meeting, the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors, and the Managing Director. Since the early 1960s, labour market organisations have played an important role in enacting employment pension laws, and current legislation requires that they also be represented in the administration of employment pension companies.

Events calendar

Date         Event
16.2.2024 Financial Statements press release 2023
27.3.2024 Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements
22.4.2024        Annual General Meeting
27.3.2024 Sustainability Report
24.4.2024 Interim Report 1 January - 31 March
27.8.2024 Interim Report 1 January - 30 June
24.10.2024  Interim Report 1 January - 30 September

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