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The Supervisory Board

According to the Act on Employment Pension Insurance Companies, an employment pension insurance company shall have a Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board supervises the company’s administration under the leadership of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director. The other duties of the Supervisory Board are listed in the law and in the Articles of Association.

The Supervisory Board of Elo consists of 36 members who are elected by the Annual General Meeting for three years at a time. One third of the members shall resign each year. The representatives elected from among those persons proposed by major central labour market organisations representing employees shall be a minimum of one third of the members of the Supervisory Board and the representatives elected from among those persons proposed by major central labour market organisations representing employers shall be a minimum of one sixth of the members of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board elects the Chair and Deputy Chairs from among its members for one year at a time.

Members of the Supervisory Board

Harri Miettinen, Managing Director, Kymen Seudun Osuuskauppa, term expires in 2025

First Deputy Chair:
Stefan Borgman, Chair, METO Forestry Experts’ Association, term expires in 2025

Vesa Aallosvirta, Organisational Manager, The Finnish Industrial Union, term expires in 2026
Ilkka Brotherus, Chair of the Board, Sinituote Oy,  term expires in 2024
Mika Hagberg, CEO, Paree Group, term expires in 2025
Antti Hakala
, Director, Trade Union Pro, term expires in 2024
Virpi Holmqvist, CEO, Attendo Oy, term expires in 2024
Sauli Huikuri, term expires in 2024 
Henrik Karvonen, CEO, Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuskauppa, term expires in 2026
Ismo Kokko, President, Transport Workers’ Union AKT, term expires in 2026
Kalle Kujanpää, Deputy Managing Director, Axopar Boats Oy, term expires in 2024 
Veli-Matti Kuntonen, Chair, Finnish Foodworkers’ Union SEL, term expires in 2024 
Lasse Laurikainen, Chair, Helsingin Insinöörit HI ry, term expires in 2024 
Tommi Luukkonen, Chair, Rakennusinsinöörit ja -arkkitehdit RIA ry, term expires in 2026
Leena-Mari Lähteenmaa, Managing Director, CGI Finland Ltd, term expires in 2025   
Pekka Metsi, CEO, Granlund Oy, term expires in 2025
Tuomas Mäkipeska, CFO, YIT Group, term expires in 2026
Antti Määttä, CEO, Chair, Osuuskauppa Keskimaa, term expires in 2024
Mats Nyman, Executive Director, YTY –Association for Managers and Professionals, term expires in 2025 
Mikael Pentikäinen, CEO, The Federation of Finnish Enterprises, term expires in 2026 
Terhi Penttilä, Managing Director, Länsilinjat Oy, term expires in 2026
Katariina Poskiparta, Managing Director, Finnish Student Health Service, term expires in 2025 
Mari Puoskari, CEO, Pilke päiväkodit Oy, term expires in 2026
Ville Rantala, Chair, PHM Group Oy, term expires 2026
Antti Rantalainen, Chair of the Board, Rantalainen Audit Oy, term expires in 2024  
Ville-Veikko Rantamaula, Director, Professionals of Business and Technology (TRAL), term expires in 2026
Ansu Saarela, CFO, Bauhaus & Co Ky,term expires in 2025 
Mikko Salo, General Secretary, Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences Loimu, term expires in 2024 
Olli Sarekoski, CEO, Veikkaus Ltd, term expires in 2024  
Tommi Sova, Managing Director, Intrum Oy, term expires in 2026 
Päivi Suutari, Managing Director, MM Kotkamills, term expires in 2025
Katja Syvärinen, Vice President, Director, Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK, term expires in 2025
Aku Vikström, CEO, NoHo Partners Oyj, term expires in 2026  
Janne Ylinen, Managing Director, Kokkolan Halpa-Halli Oy, term expires in 2025
Jaana Ylitalo, Collective Bargaining Director, Service Union United PAM, term expires in 2024

Election Committee of the Supervisory Board

The task of the Election Committee elected by the Supervisory Board is to prepare proposals concerning the election and remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors.

The six members of the Election Committee members put forth by the policyholders include CEO Harri Miettinen, CEO Antti Määttä and CEO Katariina Poskiparta. The members from Elo’s Supervisory Board put forth by the insured include Collective Bargaining Director Jaana Ylitalo, Chair Stefan Borgman and Executive Director Mats Nyman.

The Chair of the Election Committee is Harri Miettinen and the Deputy Chair is Jaana Ylitalo.

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