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28.8.2024 | Elo interim report 1 January–30 June 2024: Return on Investment was EUR 1.6 billion, or 5.2 per centThe first half of the year was strong for Elo. The highest returns were generated by listed equity investments with a return of 10.5 per cent and hed...
24.4.2024 | Elo interim report 1 January–31 March 2024: Return on investment was EUR 1 billion, or 3.3 per centElo’s investments generated good returns during the first quarter. Listed equities and hedge fund investments generated the highest returns.
16.2.2024 | Elo’s result 2023: Return on investment increased to 6 per cent and cost efficiency reached a record high levelWe continued to improve our efficiency and will refund EUR 10.4 million to our customers.
Blogs and articles
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5.2.2024 | The doors of the Wild West Saloon have swung open at Himos: Elo helped fund the new entertainment centerTourists at Himos gained many new recreational possibilities when a new entertainment center opened at the end of December 2023. The Wild West ...
1.12.2023 | The key climate policy goal of Elo’s investments is to bring about real-world changeA just and orderly green transition requires action from every sector, particularly those with the highest emissions.
1.12.2023 | Elo is one of the most active VC fund investors in Finland – this is a field that drives growth and aims to solve major global challengesThere have been many headline-making success stories in the Finnish start-up space. Finland needs more of these stories, and at Elo we are committed ...